About maniaj


Nice to meet you, people of Hong Kong! I am Tony, the store owner. 。

Japan has a history of over 40years with its parent company SAKANE SANGYO CO., LTD. (SSK) and is wholly owned by a Hong Kong companyS.S.K. HONG KONG CO., LTD. (SSHK)

Our shop,
  1.Great technology-made Japanese product
  2. Japanese great quality products,
  3.Made in Japan ※1Japanese stock in goods are specialized for online shopping

With the credit of SSK, our products will be delivered at the best price to your hands.Although the number of products is currently still small, I will continue to increase the quantity any time. In addition, Japan is looking forward to hearing from everyone. Post mail is accepted.

Our shop, including myself ,is run by a few staff members, which may put an inconvenience to people. However, thank you for keeping a long, run relationship.

Our shop will continue to operate and more competitive to major retailers.

If our product is higher than other retails ※2 come report post mail,We thank you to contact us. I would like to continue to sell at the shop price and somehow more competitive to other retailers.

I would like people in Hong Kong to know about Japan and would like to close the distance between Japan and Hong Kong...

Our shop improves everyday to provide great service to people in Hong Kong. To do so, we will be providing employment in Hong Kong. To people in Hong Kong . Please support our shop.“

※1  We clearly write the country where the product is made
※2 Exclude product that have short expiration and products that are on limited discount sale

#maniaj.com :Shop Owner:tony(Tosshie)