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Pigeon Toddler Gentle Shampoo and Hair Care Foam with soft floral scent

Pigeon Toddler Gentle Shampoo and Hair Care Foam with soft floral scent

Regular price HK$58.00
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Content volume: 350ml; Applicable age: Approximately 1 and a half years old and above; Mildly acidic, low-irritation, pigment-free, hydroxyphenyl ester-free Japanese-made mild hair shampoo and hair care foam, suitable for children over 1 and a half years old who start regular activities, and can be used thoroughly Removes sweat and odor without irritating the baby's eyes and skin! Because it contains hair care ingredients, even if the baby's hair is very fine at this stage, it is not easy to tangle! The soft foam has a mild floral fragrance, making the baby look forward to washing his hair!

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